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Welcome back

A warm welcome back to school following a well-deserved ½ term holiday leaving us all fit and refreshed for the term ahead. There’s a lot to do in the forthcoming weeks and we need to stay focused and work hard to achieve all the things we need to before Easter.

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Hopefully you will have all read the latest school newsletter and know exactly what we’re working on with regard to school improvement as well as making note of the dates of all the exciting activities throughout the term starting with our Pancake Day themed lunch for Y6 parents and carers on Tuesday and Pancake Day races in the afternoon (weather permitting). Don’t forget to bring your frying pan and a pancake if you want to join in the fun at 2.30pm in the playground. We will be selling pancakes for 50p after the races.

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We are having a big push on reading this term and it’s great to see how many books have already been completed in our whole school “read a mile” challenge. I’m hoping that the display will have reached the end of the corridor by the kitchen by Monday to make sure we’re on track to reach the finish line by the First Aid room by next Friday. It’s a challenge but if we all work together we can do it!

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Don’t forget that next Thursday is also World Book day and you are very welcome to come to school dressed as a character from your favourite book although we fully appreciate that not everyone wants to dress up and may just want to bring in a copy of their favourite book instead; as long as we celebrate our love of reading and share books it doesn’t really matter how we go about it.

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I must say that I am really impressed by some of the writing I’ve seen this morning following the wonderful assembly and subsequent workshops led by the highly entertaining and motivating children’s author Ian Billings who is in school for the day. Fingers crossed he will ignite a passion for writing and inspire some of the budding authors I suspect are lurking in our midst!

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The photographers will be back in school next Friday to take class and groups photos along with Y6 individual shots for the school Leaver’s book.

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Mrs Cormack is busy putting the final touches to her Spelling Bee preparations for tomorrow’s tournament which I’m afraid I’m going to miss as I have to go to a really important meeting. However, I will be in touch with her later to find out how it went and who has been crowned as our new champion.

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This week’s House Point winners are Potters whilst a special well done must also be sent to Pandas for leading the attendance race in the week before the holidays. I don’t have this week’s attendance, maths or reading challenge scores yet but will announce them in assembly as soon as they have been updated.

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From next Monday we will be welcoming scooters and bikes back into school although you MUST bring in a signed permission slip beforehand. We need to know that parents and carers have given permission and are confident that you fully understand the road safety rules and expectations for using your scooter or bike. Staying safe whilst having fun and keeping fit is paramount and we need to know that everyone understands and is prepared to follow the rules.

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Have a great weekend,

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: what needs to be brought back to school before you can use your scooter or bike?

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Springfield Junior School