At Springfield we are proud of our school community and the important roles and responsibilities our pupils have. All children belong to a house team (Miners, Brewers, Foresters, Potters) these are named after four of the main local job types, past and present. These are led by two Y6 Team Captains and children work hard all week to gain points for their team, these are collated by the children with the winners announced weekly getting their ribbon on the display cup and display. The children compete for their team in the annual sports day too.
Our School Council is made up of a head boy and girl and two councillor representatives from each class, all are democratically advertised, applied and voted for by the children. These children develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation whilst having the responsibility of expressing their own views and representing others too. The School Council are proud of their community links running a number of fund-raising events such as Children in Need, Annual Poppy Appeal and Macmillan’s Big Coffee Morning.
To support our emphasis on reading at Springfield we have Reading Ambassadors and Librarians who are enthusiastic readers themselves who lead by example and promote a reading culture within school; listening to children read, recommending books and taking responsibility for the running of the school library.
Our Maths Ambassadors promote maths within school and run competitions such as TT Rock Stars and themes for NSPCC Number Day.
Our Playground and Lunchtime Monitors support our lunchtime charter and promotion of physical activity at play and lunch in coordination with our Sport Ambassadors. The latter are also chosen to promote clubs and teams in school and healthy living as part of our mental health and well-being agenda.
The Eco Warriors are elected for their commitment to improving our school environment and raising awareness of local and international themes too. We are proud of our recycling and energy saving initiatives around school.