Proud to be part of QEGSMAT

Vision & Values

Our Trust Vision and Values

Every child and young person…

  • can access and enjoy learning through a broad and creative curriculum; they are stretched and challenged and are taught by high quality, well-trained staff;
  • is inspired and encouraged to achieve their very best; to gain the experience, skills, qualities and qualifications they need to be successful now and in the future;
  • has the opportunity to widen their life experiences further by engaging in at least one extra-curricular/enrichment activity or event;
  • receives support to develop their physical and mental health and well-being;

Our School’s Vision and Values 

Ready, Respectful, Safe

At Springfield we are committed to promoting life-long learners in a supportive environment where it is okay to take risks and learn from mistakes. Our children will receive a high standard of education so that they leave us with the powerful knowledge and skills to compete at the highest level in their next stages of education and future lives.

This will be achieved by:

  • An ambitious, well sequenced knowledge-rich curriculum
  • Exposing the children to vocabulary within and beyond the curriculum
  • Planning experiences that expand the children’s knowledge base
  • A commitment to all staff development
  • Supporting our children to be ready, respectful and safe

READY to learn, experience and achieve their potential

RESPECTFUL to themselves and all in the school and wider community

SAFE choices at all times

© 2025 Springfield Junior School Made by CODA Education

Springfield Junior School