Proud to be part of QEGSMAT


Our Curriculum

At Springfield Junior School our curriculum is designed to develop life long learners who question, acquire knowledge and develop skills that supports current and future learning. Through our curriculum we strive to broaden the children’s understanding of themselves and other cultures, promote and enhance parental support, raise aspirations and develop vocabulary.

Careful consideration has been given to the organisation and sequencing of the curriculum. We ensure that pupils can build on their prior knowledge and see how new learning adds to build a bigger picture. Core knowledge is identified and prioritised and there is clear, planned opportunities to retrieve and deepen knowledge and understanding throughout the phase.

We want our children to be well-rounded and confident who exemplify our school values. Religious Education, British Values and PSHE are highly valued at Springfield as we recognise the importance of developing the moral and social skills of our children with particular regard to their emotional health and wellbeing. Our mission is for our children to achieve their personal best being well prepared to leave us and move to the next stage of their education with a sense that learning can excite and invigorate throughout life.


Parents Complete Guide



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Springfield Junior School