Proud to be part of QEGSMAT


John Duggins: Chair of Governors

We are a committed group of people; parents, staff and members of the community, who work collectively to form the Governing Body. We give our time voluntarily to support the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in the governance and strategic leadership of the school. Our energies are focused on maintaining and building upon the high standards of which all those associated with Springfield Junior School are justifiably proud. In particular, we work with the school to:

  • Raise standards; achieve good pupil behaviour and high attendance.
  • Set the school’s aims, policies and targets.
  • Decide how the school budget will be spent.
  • Ensure school works with parents and the local community.

Many governors have first hand experience of the school as either a parent of current pupils, parents of ex pupils or even as ex pupils themselves. Springfield Junior School has a special and unique ethos, which generates a very strong feeling of community and helps forge long-standing relationships with those supporting the school. The Enhanced Resource Unit typifies the unique ethos and confirms our commitment to inclusion throughout the school. Collectively as a Governing Body we have a wide variety of professional skills and experience encompassing Finance, Education, General Management, Human Resources, Charitable Fundraising, IT, Publishing, Volunteering and Science.

We organise our work through a structure of committees, working parties and designated lead governors. What we do as a Governing Body is described in our Terms of Reference, and the principles by which we do it in our Code of conduct for governors and governing bodies (copies available from the school office)

At the heart of all we do is the current and future wellbeing of our children, without whom we would not exist.

We pride ourselves on our transparency as an organisation and welcome any questions or enquiries into the running of the Governing Body via the school office and addressed to the Chair of Governors.

Alternatively, you can download a Governor contact request form which can be returned to the school office.

Roles and Responsibilities List Governor list detailing role and committee membership 

Governor attendance log 2021-2022

Governor attendance log 2022-2023

Governor Contact Information

Gill Cormackgcormack@springfield.derbyshire.sch.ukHeadteacher
John Duggins - Chairjduggins@springfield.derbyshire.sch.ukCo-opted
Daniella Smithdsmith@springfield.derbyshire.sch.ukStaff
Laura Chapmanlchapman@springfield.derbyshire.sch.ukCo-opted
James Johnsonjjohnson@springfield.derbyshire.sch.ukCo-opted

© 2024 Springfield Junior School Made by CODA Education

Springfield Junior School