Proud to be part of QEGSMAT

Welcome back

I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter holiday and feel fit and refreshed for the term ahead.

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It’s been a busy week but I’m glad to say it’s also been a successful one, especially for our two sporting teams who came 2nd and 4th in Wednesday evening’s tri-golf tournament at Linton. Mr Liddle and Mrs Shaw accompanied the teams and were very impressed by the skills demonstrated by our pupils. Thanks to the staff for their hard work; parents and carers for their support and children for being fabulous sporting ambassadors for school and demonstrating our values.

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Our new display board in the hall is a powerful reminder of the importance of good attendance and a clear visual reminder of the value we place on being in school on time every day. Improving levels of attendance (and therefore reducing absence) is a key priority on our AIP (Academy Improvement Plan) and I am hoping we can fully meet our targets by the end of the year. I will keep nagging; you have been warned!

Don’t forget that tomorrow is National Space Day and I would like you to build on my assembly and find some more facts about Tim Peake’s time on the Space Station or perhaps tell me about the first moon landing in July 1969. I’ve put some post it notes near my board outside the hall for you to tell me the most interesting facts you can find about space and I will award Dojos or a prize for any truly amazing ones. Doing this is also evidence that you’re putting two of our other values (question and explore) into practice; exactly what we want to see in school.

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I think everyone is now ok with the new morning procedures and initial problems have been rectified to ensure that there is a calm and orderly start to the day and lessons can get underway with the minimum of disruption. Mr Morant’s physical activity session for the children attending Breakfast Club seems very popular and gives everyone the chance to enjoy fresh air and exercise at the start of the day before settling down for lessons. TAs are in every classroom from 8.40am and are on hand to help you settle whilst teachers are still available until 8.50am to chat with parents or carers if required to ensure any messages can be passed on. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the changes but will also be asking your views in coming weeks.

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We have the Assembly Team in school next Thursday whilst Malcom Smith will be paying us a visit on Tuesday to talk about the UK Parliament. Anti-bullying ambassadors from Pingle will hopefully be in school on Friday to discuss their work and give our Anti-bullying committee some ideas about things we could implement at Springfield.


Mrs Fairbrother has asked me to remind you again about the importance of being safe when riding scooters down Springfield Road. Three Y6 boys on scooters whizzed across the end of someone’s drive this morning just as a car was drawing out. Don’t forget that parents and carers have had to sign to say that you understand the safety rules and will abide by them so make sure that you do.

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Mrs Parker and I will be hosting our regular Coffee Morning meeting next Tuesday at 9am in the Community Room and Gorillas class are off to Pingle to take part in a Science lesson next Friday.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the Reading, Times Tables or House Point results at present so will have to let you know who has won each of the races in assembly in the morning and in next week’s blog.

Take care and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend.

See you on Tuesday,

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: how many years have passed since the first moon landing?

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Springfield Junior School