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Springfield dodgeball champions!

The time is absolutely flying by and it’s amazing to think that we’re almost at the end of the first half-term; it’s true what they say that time flies when you’re having fun!

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Parent consultation meetings will take place next week (Monday and Wednesday) and I am hoping that we have a really good turn-out of parents and carers so that we can discuss your work and progress. It’s vital that we all work together to make sure you all do the best you can and have a positive experience at school.

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Unfortunately Mrs Cormack is still very poorly with an extremely nasty bout of flu so we have postponed meetings for her class until after ½ term. Fingers crossed she will be back at school next week but we thought it best to delay her meetings just in case.

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Thank you to Jaguars class for their knowledge and expertise in helping me with our Chinese New Year assembly on Tuesday and especially to Ruby for her wonderfully presented posters with informative facts. As a head-teacher it makes me incredible pleased when children take the initiative to do extra work at home because they are so inspired and interested by their work in school. It’s our job to make sure you all enjoy learning and that has certainly been evident in Jaguars this week.

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Another group who have impressed me are the Y6 pupils attending after-school booster sessions. The scores in this week’s assessments show that lots of them are working incredibly hard and applying their skills and knowledge to achieve improved results. Hopefully this will give them added confidence and renewed energy as well as proving that 100% effort, determination and a “can do” attitude result in positive outcomes.

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Inter-house sports on Tuesday really brought out the competitive spirit as well as providing an opportunity to develop team work and put into practice the skills and tactics learned in PE lessons. Miners were the team to beat in dodgeball, Brewers in hockey and Potters in cross-country with Miners taking the overall lead to list the trophy. Thanks to Miss Smith for organising the event with Mr Morant and Mr Liddle and to all the staff and volunteers for refereeing and making sure things ran smoothly.

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Tuesday was Internet Safety day as well as Chinese New Year and I sincerely hope that you remember the message I’ve given in assemblies this week about “consent” and permission when you’re on-line. The internet is an amazing tool but it’s important to follow all of the safety rules and remember to enjoy life in the “real” world too.

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Mr Parker and I are off to an online safety conference next week and will make sure we let you know about all the latest updates and don’t forget the NSPCC workshop for parents and carers will be taking place on Monday 20th May at 2.30pm. Leaflets will be sent home shortly.

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Parents and carers of some of the Y3 pupils will be joining us next Thursday for a Viking Day themed lunch and we have a Special Mentions assembly next Friday before the Times Tables Tournament in the afternoon. I am hoping that spellings will be sent home at some point next week as well in preparation for the next Spelling Bee which will take place after the holiday.

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Well done to Brewers for taking the lead in this week’s House Point competition and to Snow Leopards for the best attendance, Tigers for Times Tables and Penguins for reading last week.

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Just before I sign off I want to say an enormous well done to our dodgeball team who have triumphed in tonight’s SSP finals at Pingle to win the trophy for Springfield. It’s further proof that practice and skill development; a determined attitude and great team work lead to great results. Well done once again and sincere thanks to Miss Smith, Mr Morant and Mr Liddle for great coaching.

Have a super weekend.

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: what period of history will we be thinking about on Thursday?

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Springfield Junior School