Proud to be part of QEGSMAT

Keep warm!

I can’t believe that it’s a week since the Young Voices’ amazing performance at the Genting Arena; the time has certainly flown by but the memories of the concert are still fresh in my mind!

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It’s been a cold but busy week once again and I must say that I have been very pleased with the attitude to learning and determination that lots of people have shown when I’ve been in their classes. There are just a handful of pupils who seem to think that it’s ok to be cheeky, not give 100% or act in a mean and disrespectful way and I want to reassure everybody that they are being dealt with. Whilst we fully understand that some children have difficulties with their learning or behaviour it is not an excuse for refusing to work or being horrible to others. Life is tough but with hard work and resilience anything is possible. Remember my, “I can’t do it” story in assembly on Wednesday; just add the word “yet” to the end of the sentence every time you feel that things are getting too much and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

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I must say that I have enjoyed sharing stories with you in assembly this week and that despite the technical problems we’ve encountered it has made a pleasant change to know that a good book will never let you down. Fingers crossed the technicians can get things sorted though as I would have loved to have shown you the pictures associated with this week’s music, Sinfonia Antartica by Ralph Vaughan Williams; very apt in this icy spell!

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Miss Smith is busy organising the Inter-house sports competition for Tuesday afternoon which will give everyone a well-earned break from next week’s assessments. It will be a great opportunity for our House captains to demonstrate their leadership skills by organising the teams and encouraging their members to do their best and for the rest of the school to use and apply their sporting skills to contribute to their team’s performance.

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Whilst I’m on the subject of sport I must say well done to the 5-aside team who have made the finals of the event following a highly impressive performance at Greenbank with Mr Liddle last Friday. They will be joining the dodgeball team in representing our school at the finals in the next couple of weeks; brilliant news!

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It was lovely to see several Y5 parents and carers in school for the Big Bird Watch themed dinner on Monday and to be able to showcase the talents of our school cooks who do a great job every day. We look forward to welcoming Y3 parents in a couple of weeks for our Viking themed lunch and I know that letters have been sent home this week.

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Another letter that has hopefully gone home is the invitation to parent consultation meetings. It is incredibly important that teachers and parents/ carers work closely together and sit down with pupils to talk about what has gone well and what needs to happen next. We will be sending invitations home to everyone and will nag if slips haven’t been returned. You have been warned!

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Make sure you wrap up warm and have the appropriate clothing for the weather (with your name clearly on the label!) and have a super weekend.

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Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: which composer’s work have we been listening to in assembly this week?

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Springfield Junior School