Proud to be part of QEGSMAT

Have a great half-term holiday

Phew! Half term has arrived and it’s time to recharge our batteries ready for another hard-working term in the run up to Easter.

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It was lovely to see so many Y3 parents in school at lunchtime for the Viking themed dinner and also to have had the opportunity to chat to lots of parents at consultation meetings this week. Working together as a team is definitely the best way to ensure everyone makes the best progress they can to fulfil their potential.

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The awards assembly this morning was extremely pleasing and it was great to see so many pupils receiving both maths and reading awards; keep up the good work!

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Mrs Parker and I went to an online safety conference on Wednesday and we’ll be passing on all the things we learned to everyone in school. It links in well with the talks we’ve already booked with the NSPCC for both pupils and parents in May as keeping you all safe whilst enabling you to utilise an amazing tool is a key priority.

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Mrs Cormack has been very busy getting things ready for writing workshops, the next Spelling Bee, World Book Day and her sponsored “read a mile” event which will be taking place after ½ term as part of our mission to develop reading in school. Look out for letters and information on Facebook and the website.

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Mrs Moore will be back in school after the holidays to see how we’re getting on with school improvement work and as always we’ve got lots to tell her about the things we’ve already done as well as about the things we’ve tweaked to ensure maximum impact.

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One thing that I’m really looking forward to working on next ½ term relates to health and well-being which I hope will make everyone feel very positive and help us all to develop strategies to deal with all of the things life throws at us every day. It links in brilliantly with all of the Growth Mind-set work we’ve already completed and will help us develop balanced thinking and can do attitudes even more.

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Mrs Staddon will of course be making sure that all of this term’s Maths improvements are being implemented in classrooms as part of her mission to drive up standards as well as make sure that you all love maths as much as she does!

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Despite a bout of illness this term our attendance rates are looking ok and Mrs Parker is fairly pleased with things although it would be great to see all 9 classes with 96.1% or above every week next term. It’s a tough challenge but I’m confident it can be done.

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Potters have won the final star of this half term with a super score of 859 but I’ve not received all of the reading or times tables scores so I can’t tell you who has won Oscar or the fish this week. Listen out in Special Mentions assembly in the morning and all will be revealed!

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Have a super week off and we’ll see you back at school on Monday 25th February.

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: what did Mrs Parker and I learn about on Wednesday?

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Springfield Junior School