Proud to be part of QEGSMAT

Happy New Year

A very warm welcome back to school following the Christmas and New Year break; I hope you’re all fit and ready for a hard-working and fun term ahead.

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It’s amazing how quickly we settle back into our routines and start to focus on the things that are happening this term. As I said in my newsletter, we will be continuing to focus on using inference strategies in reading; further develop vocabulary for both reading and writing; continue to work on our “PLL” (pre-loaded learning) and deep dives in Maths as well as keeping on-line safety and Anti-bullying work to the fore. Don’t forget to read and discuss the on-line safety information we sent home this week and look out for the dates of parent and pupil workshops that will hopefully be taking place before Easter.

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We will also be exploring our school values in detail this term and I will be working with you to write a new school prayer which helps us to reflect on them in our daily assemblies. Question, Explore, Give and Succeed are the key values of all the schools within the QEGSMAT family and underpin everything we do.

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Don’t forget that we will be holding a SATs workshop for pupils, parents and carers after school in the hall on Monday so please make sure you come along to see what is expected of our Y6 pupils in May. They may seem daunting but hard work and a positive growth mind-set will help our pupils tackle them with confidence and ensure they achieve the success they deserve.

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Our Young Voices choir are another group who may well be feeling a little bit nervous and excited at the moment as it is just two weeks before they travel to the Genting Arena in Birmingham to perform in front of thousands of people. It is a highlight of the year and an experience they will remember for years to come.

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Mrs Martin and Mrs Thrupp will be visiting school next week to carry out a pupil voice survey whilst I meet with Mr Wood to discuss the progress we’ve made with our school improvement initiatives.

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Well done to Potters who have won the first star in this term’s House Point race. I don’t have details of the reading and Times Tables winners yet but will let you know in assembly tomorrow morning. We will announce attendance scores next Monday and I am really hoping that we’ve got off to a good start with all classes above 95%; fingers crossed!

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Just before I sign off I’d like to say a special thank you and well done to Charli in Y6 who was the only person in school to give me a Blog Box answer this week; further proof if any were needed of why he is such a worthy Platinum Super Student.

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Have a great weekend and remember to stay safe on-line.

Take care,

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: what booklets and information were sent home this week?

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Springfield Junior School