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Good Luck Y6

Along with everyone else I’ve lost track of the days this week and have only just realised that I need to write this week’s blog. It was great to have an additional day off last weekend but trying to cram 5 days’ work into 4 is proving to be quite challenging!

I hope you all agree that the School Parliament assembly on Tuesday was incredibly informative and I certainly enjoyed the part when you pretended to be the MPs in the House of Commons. The Palace of Westminster sounds like a fascinating place to visit and is known throughout the world as the seat of government and democracy, so it was great to learn more about the building itself and what goes on there.

The Assembly Team assembly this morning was also very thought provoking and highlighted the fact that it’s ok to ask challenging questions and investigate matters until you’re sure that you have an answer you can understand and trust. This is an especially good skill to use in today’s climate of “fake news” where there is lots of misdirection and drama.

Next week is an important week for our Y6 pupils who will be sitting their SATs papers from Monday to Thursday. Miss Smith, Mr Liddle and the Y6 team have provided lots of opportunities for revision and the chance to practice test technique and I am confident that application of these skills along with a positive attitude will ensure everyone achieves the success they deserve. SATs are just another “loop the loop” on our Springfield roller coaster and I’m sure you will all be shouting “whoopee” when you get to the end and realise they weren’t as bad as you thought!

Something to look forward to in the final week of term is Arts Week and I know that Mrs Cormack has posted something on Facebook as well as preparing letters to go home tomorrow. She is keen to improve our grounds with fabulous sculptures and art work and teachers are busy planning exciting things for you to do so it should be a fun week.

I am pleased to announce that some of our Y6 pupils have had book reviews published in an educational magazine called “Teach Reading and Writing”. Mr Liddle signed up with First News for some of our children to have the opportunity to read several new books and then create reviews to let other children across the country know what they thought of them. Their reviews are very insightful and it’s great to have our school in a national publication so well done and thank you.

Foresters have made a fabulous start to the term by winning the House Point race both last week and this; Gorillas topped the leader board (as shown on our new hall display) in the attendance race whilst the 2 Y3 classes were equal first in the Reading Challenge and Tigers won the Times Tables for last week.

Just before I sign off I’m going to remind everyone about the importance of making positive choices and treating others as you want to be treated yourself. Remember our school values and put into practice all the things you’ve been taught to make sure we can all be happy and learn lots.

Have a great weekend and get ready to face the challenges ahead with a confident smile and a “can do” attitude.

Mrs Hughes

Blog Box question: where is the House of Commons?

PS Thanks to Luke and Logan for their Bog Box answers last week; you are both official superstars!

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Springfield Junior School