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Big Garden Birdwatch


Today, Mrs Williams told the children about the upcoming RSPB’s ‘Big Garden Birdwatch’

The weekend of 26th-28th January is when people all over the UK will be recording the birds they see outside. This data is then collected to give the RSPB a picture of what is happening throughout the UK. – You may have seen the TV adverts currently being aired.

There will be more info to follow from Mrs Williams -but meanwhile, why not check out the following link which will help in the identification of any birds you might see here

Y3 Polar Bears were quite surprised to see a large feathered visitor strutting about on the field today outside our classroom- we went through a range of birds from eagle to penguin to hen to blackbird before deciding it was actually a pheasant – so I think we will be looking at this link before the 26th otherwise the RSPB might be in for a surprise with what birds are found in Swadlincote!

Mrs Haines 

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Springfield Junior School