Arts Week Fun!
School has been a hive of creative activity this week with everyone busy using their artistic skills in Arts Week. Tigers have already put their willow butterflies in situ on the fence near the hens and I must say that they look fabulous.
Not only has it been an opportunity to develop specific art skills, but it’s been great to see people working in teams; communicating and working towards a common goal; exactly the kind of behaviour we encourage in our bid to help you all develop strong values and attitudes.
Our non-uniform day and cake sale on Tuesday helped to raise further revenue for Mrs Cormack’s outdoor reading project and she is thrilled about the fact that she now has a total of £868.03 to fund it.
This week has also been “Walk to School” week and I am pleased that people are thinking carefully about the benefits of walking or using alternative methods of transport rather than coming in a car. I will analyse the data from classes tomorrow to give us a baseline from which to measure any further progress.
Unfortunately, the down side of “Walk to School” week and increase in the number of scooters has resulted in a couple of children forgetting the road safety rules and putting themselves in danger. Parents and carers have signed to give permission for you to use scooters or bikes and part of the agreement was for them to discuss road safety with you. This is something we constantly teach in school and I know parents have reinforced the message, but a small minority are forgetting to apply their knowledge and understanding and have put themselves in danger. You MUST take care and be prepared to stop when scooting across someone’s drive and you MUST stop at the edge of the pavement before stepping onto a zebra crossing. Not only are you putting yourselves in danger, but it causes a great deal of anxiety for drivers and for your parents. Stay safe and follow the rules otherwise we will ask parents to keep scooters and bikes at home until we know you can use them sensibly.
The NSPCC assembly on Monday was highly informative and I hope you listened and understood the message given. Don’t forget to use the actions to help you remember the Childline number (0800 1111) and always tell a trusted adult if you have any worries at all.
Mr Liddle has an Anti-bullying group meeting after school tonight and will be discussing plans for training Anti-bullying ambassadors as well as the possibility of working towards the Diana Award.
Well done to our cricket team who were fabulous ambassadors for our school on Monday evening and have earned themselves a place in the final of the SSP tournament on 6th June.
Special Mentions assembly will take place at 9am in the morning and we are hoping to see lots of visitors at 2.15pm to look at the art created this week. We will also be holding a sale of items made which include fridge magnets, painted plant pots, wind chimes and dangling spiders! If parents and carers are busy, you can still bring in £1 to buy something if you want (all profits will be added to the funds for the Outdoor Reading project).
Thank you to the 23 Y3 parents who joined us for Dinosaur Day lunch on Tuesday, to the cooks for yet another tasty meal and to the parents and carers who donated cakes for the Bake Sale; your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.
Well done to Elephants for 100% attendance, to Penguins for winning the Reading Challenge and Pandas who are looking after the fish for winning the Times Tables Challenge.
Enjoy the half-term holiday and remember to keep safe and make positive choices.
See you on Monday 3rd June.
Mrs Hughes
Blog Box question: what was the theme for the Y3 lunch on Tuesday?